This week I have been reminded of the awesome power of prayer. How we can go to God about the small and large things that happen in our lives. And how we are called to do just that.
About a year ago a friend of mine, Dana, almost lost her father. He was feeling bad and finally they took him in to the hospital. They didn't know if he would live, and if he did, what kind of life he would have. But, he did live and his faith is stronger and he is a true example of the power of our God. He is also an example of the power of prayer. Many requests were lifted to the Father on John's behalf, and for his family. He and Dana gave a testimony on Sunday. WOW. John and his family have glorified God through this entire process and have been a wonderful example to me and many others. John did some artwork before his illness, but now he is passionate about it. And he is drawing crosses- they are amazing. He feels close with God when he draws. He has used this experience to glorify God. He knows the power of prayer. He's seen it in his own life! God is a good God!
Another thing I experienced this week about prayer was on Wednesday. A friend of ours, Danny, has struggles with back pain and other pain for a few years. We have kept him in our prayers. Our small group went to church on Wednesday to pray over Danny and Christy with the elders. It was awesome and I totally felt the Holy Spirit in the room. Danny and Christy were anointed with oil by Barry, one of our elders, and then the elders prayed over the situation. They prayed that healing would happen, that Danny would be the father to Taylor that he wants to be, that God would take this burden. It was moving and it reminds me how much our Father loves us. And how blessed I am to go to a church where the elders will pray over you and genuinely care about a hurting member of the body. It was an awesome experience and an intimate time for all involved. I am glad that Jessica coordinated this for Danny. I am blessed to be a part of this group that cares for each other so much. I am glad for the reminder that our God is so powerful. He is a God of miracles. He gives big and little miracles everyday. He can heal! He does heal! And he loves us. I am thankful for the reminder of the power of prayer- to pray for my family, my friends, myself. And for the blessing of having people in my life that I can share those experiences and requests with.
How To Propagate Succulents
2 days ago
Thanks for such an encouraging message, Kim. It was a completely humbling and amazing time to be prayed over by everyone. I appreciate you writing about it because I still cannot find the words that even come close to telling everyone how powerful/touching/loving last Wednesday was. Its funny, when I read things like this, the chilren's song, "our God is so big, so stong, and so mighty, there's nothing our God cannot do, for YOU" come into my head...
I really needed to be reminded of how amazing prayer is and what great things it can do. Thanks for such an encouraging post. That is really neat you have such a special group of friends and a church that truly cares about its people. God truly is faithful...we just have to ask!
It has been a really powerful week, and it's so good to proclaim it. Thanks for this!
God really gave us a powerful tool through prayer. Isn't it such a gift and blessing to talk one-on-one with God and know that he listens to every word spoken and every word not spoken but still stirring in our hearts. I can not think of a time when I feel the Spirit living in me more than when I pray. Thank you for sharing how that power effects you!! It's always a touching thing to hear.
Thanks for sharing those testimonies. It is funny how you do not even need to know a person to be encouraged by their stories. I love that there are people all over the world praying and God still hears our every little request. He is so good and so faithful.
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