I am so excited about this movie!! Every time I see the trailer for it, I just want to sing and dance! When my mom and my sister, Kellee went to New York five years ago, we saw this play. It was so good!! And the music is fantastic. The kids and I listen to the cd from the musical all the time. The movie opened yesterday and I am going to see it with some girls from church tomorrow. We are going to eat Greek food for lunch before since the movie takes place in Greece. I can't wait to see this movie. I know the music will be great and the movie entertaining.
UPDATE: This movie is awesome! I loved it and smiled the whole entire movie. It is so fun and happy! So, if you have the chance go and see it. Thanks to all my girlfriends for a fun day out!
Journaling 12/8/24
1 month ago
I am so excited to see it too! And I also sing along when I hear the trailer - the only problem is that all I know is the first line, so I sing a few lines and then I have to hum. It sounds pretty dorky, but the tune is so catchy I can't help myself! :)
I will always think of you at Shane's wedding when "Dancing Queen" came on! Have fun!
I literally got out of bed singing "Take a Chance on Me" this morning. The boys loved it. They kept asking me to sing it again. haha
I did sing all the way through it to myself (I wanted to belt out!)
My favorite part of the musical and the movie was the end where they come out again and sing. I cried at that part when we saw it live-who cries at "Dancing Queen"?????
I loved this movie too, although I might have embarrassed my sister laughing out LOUD!
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