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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

High School

I've been thinking alot about high school recently.  Derek and I are going to be working with the youth at our church and it is reminding me of the highs and lows of high school.
What I often say when people ask me about my high school experience is that I was an emotional wreck.  Which, I was.  I was one of those dramatic girls! I stomped, I screamed, and of course I cried.  I was rarely without a boyfriend, which explains alot of the drama.  My dad likes to joke that I usually had a boy waiting in the wings to replace the boy I was going out with.  And, of course every high school girl has a little girl drama with her friends. But, while I was emotional and immature- I loved high school!!
I went to a small private high school, where you know everyone.  Early in high school, I was friends with people 2 and 3 years older than me and then when I was an upper classman, I was friends with kids 2 and 3 years younger than me.  I had many friends and wasn't just stuck to one certain group.  I also had many great friends at my church.  And, since my school and church were closely linked, many of my friends went to school and church with me.  My school was like a small town community where everyone seemed to be included. You could be involved in many different things, if you wanted. So, I was a cheerleader, ran track, played volleyball(one year only- not good and didn't like it), was class secretary and on the speech/ debate team to name a few.
I lived far away from my school, so I often spent the night or hung out at my friends houses until nightime events. I knew everything about my friends.  We were transparent and honest with each other. I loved slumber parties and chatting all night long. I loved hanging out, going to the movies, eating out and so much more.

And of course, high school is where I met the love of my life.  Derek was dating my best friend, Allyson, when I met him(he's 2 grades younger than me).  We all kindof traded around boyfriends and it didn't really seem to matter. I love that Derek and I share so many friends, teachers in common and have many of the same experiences.
I have changed alot since my high school days, but I look back on them fondly and smile.  It was fun!  It was being silly and crazy and not having too many cares in the world. It was formative and a time where we really had a blast just experiencing life!  I am excited to see high school again through the eyes of teens.
Just writing this makes me smile!  We were crazy and had lots of fun. I guess theres a reason they are often called the good ol' days


Julie T said...

Love the old high school pictures...those are classic! The teens at Westover are going to be blessed having you and Derek as mentors.