Me and My hubby

My boy

My Princess


Tuesday, May 20, 2008


WOW! It is so hard to believe that Barrett is four. He turned 4 on Monday. We have had lots of celebrations to mark the occasion. He had a guitar party at Chuck E. Cheese with some of his friends. Then we celebrated in Houston with my parents. On his actual birthday he got to eat donuts, pizza, chicken nuggets and rice krispie treats- all of his favorites. Here are 4 things I want to remember about Barrett at this age.
1. He is so sweet. He gives the best hugs and just out of the blue says the sweetest things to me, Derek or Brooklyn. He is a kind older brother to Brooklyn and takes care of her, shares with her and tries to cheer her up. He really care about other people, especially if he sees that they are sad or upset.
2. He loves fruit, especially strawberries. I mean, he asks for strawberries at every meal! He could eat them all day, every day! He just gobbles up almost every kind of fruit. We are going to the blackberry farm soon. They are another of his favorites. He also likes to snack instead of eat big meals. He doesn't like to eat breakfast right when he wakes up, so it sometimes throws all of his meals off schedule. He does have a sweet tooth and always has that extra space for dessert.
3.Barrett loves to play. He plays really well by himself. He has a great imagination and I love listening to him playing and talking to himself. He is really big into pretending right now. I often ask him what he said and he is like"I am not talking to you mommy, I am talking to _____!" He plays with cars, trucks, trains, superheroes, army men, and just about anything else he can make do something, go somewhere or save someone. He also has fun dressing up and pretending he is different people. He makes me laugh and I love that he is so creative and imaginative.
4. He loves to read books. He reads in the car alot. He also wants me to read to him and for Derek to read to him. And he asks lots of questions about the story and the pictures. He reads all kinds of books. I love that he is inquisitive and interested in reading.
And here are Barrett's favorites according to him:
Food: chicken and strawberries
TV show: Backyardigans
Thing to do: play with trucks
Place to go: Firebowl
Person: Tate
Book: The Bible
Song: Blue Skies and Rainbows
Color: blue

Here are some pictures of Barrett's birthday party!
Grandbob and the kidsBarrett and Chuck E. CheeseBarrett playing some gamesDriving with Daddy. Do you think Derek will be smiling like that when B is 16? Brooklyn had a fun time too. She is wearing a shirt that says" My Brother Rocks!"Barrett eating with his buddiesHaving some SpriteBarrett's cake. He requested a guitar cakeBlowing out the candlesB opening his presents


Julie T said...

4 is a great age! Tell Barrett that Hunter and Carson say Happy Birthday.