Me and My hubby

My boy

My Princess


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Feeling Proud

Johnny Bonds
Dan McAnulty
Johnny Holmes
Robert Scardino
These were names that I remember hearing throughout my childhood.  I never paid much attention to them, except they were people my dad knew from work.
I also remember a picture my dad had at home  It was a picture of a little boy, who was 14 months old.  My dad said it was a boy who died in a case that he worked as a prosecutor. I'd forgotten about that picture until I saw a picture of the same little boy.
My dad always kept his work life separate from his home life.  Working as a prosecutor he saw and heard terrible things.   He saw and heard terrible things as a judge too. I am proud of the work my dad did for many years to bring criminals to justice and to put the "bad guys" away. I am happy that there are people who believe in justice and don't stop until they find it. 
I just finished a book that tells the story of the murders of a family- John, Diana, and their 14 month old son- that took place in Houston in the 70's.  It was a heartbreaking book to read. True crime books are not something I typically read.This book chronicles the story of the murders and those involved and ultimately how the case was solved.  I have a deeper understanding of my dad's experiences as a prosecutor and what all he dealt with in this case and in the many others he tried.. I can't imagine what it was like for all of those involved in the case and experienced it first hand. It made me even more proud of my dad. He spent so much time working to be a voice for the victims of crimes. The police, the investigators, DA's office and judges and all involved in this case and other cases work to find out what really happened. 
This book really moved me, saddened me and gave me a glimpse into my dad's job. I just wanted to share my thoughts. And now I know why my dad has that picture of that little boy.