On Saturday, we had a big brunch then the kids dyed eggs, decorated cookies and had an egg hunt. We also celebrated Peyton's first birthday with cupcakes and presents. We were eating sugar all day! To get out of the house for a bit, we decided to go to the capital. It had been a few years since we had been there. It was sprinkling when we got there, but it cleared up outside. It was fun to walk around the building and grounds. We saw a girl getting her wedding pictures taken and Brooklyn was very intrigued by her and kept saying she was getting married in a fancy dress too someday. After our time at the capital, we went home and relaxed before a yummy dinner at Rudy's. 
Dying eggs
Decorating cookies
Sunday, the Easter bunny came and brought goodies for the kids. They were excited! We all went to church and it was an amazing service. What an amazing thing that Jesus did for all of us! We are so loved! After church, we ate lunch at home with the family and our friends, the Heaths. It was nice to sit around the table visiting together. After yummy desserts, we went outside and the kids did confetti eggs. Brooklyn was so cute- she pushed the tissue open and scattered the confetti around. The boys were throwing the eggs right at each other and had a blast with the eggs.
Easter baskets
B with his loot
Brooklyn and her princess wand
My sweeties
Derek and sweet Brooklyn
Our family on Easter
B with Kellee and Anthony
Teddy and the kids
The gang!
Nana and Teddy and the grand kids
Me and Derek
My mom and sistersMost everyone left in the afternoon after lunch. The Masters tournament was on so Derek, Anthony and Barrett watched it while all the girls took naps. Kellee and Anthony left in the evening after the masters. It was a fun time with everyone and we were so glad to have a house full of guests. What a great weekend!
Those are some amazing pictures! Your dress is awesome! Looks like a great Easter, thanks for sharing!
BTW, you never elaborated on your triathlon experience. I have always wondered how they do the ones at gyms; how did the biking/running work, etc.
What great pictures! I love the dresses you and Brooklyn each wore for Easter. I love the blue and green the kids are in! What a fun weekend. I miss getting together with all of you.
Looks like you all had a great weekend!
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