My little chef cutting out the heart crusts

Making pizzas
Loading the pizzas up with cheese
Chocolate fondue and marshmallows
Decorating cupcakes
Lots of sprinkles
Love that chocolate face
Open up!
Decorating cupcakes
Open up!
We had a very relaxing and fun weekend until...
we got home from church Sunday and Brooklyn fell onto the corner of our coffee table and hit her lip. There was blood everywhere and she was screaming. It looked pretty bad and I have to say, I was not the calm soothing mommy. I freaked out a little bit, luckily Derek calmed us down, we got in the car and went up to the ER. Our little girl was such a trooper and so brave. She had to get 3 stitches on her upper lip. Barrett wanted to get a little gift for Brooklyn, so we ran to the store while Derek and Brooklyn were with the doctor. He was concerned about her and it was really sweet. Hopefully Brooklyn will heal quickly with minor scarring. We love our little girl and glad she is going to be ok.
Brooklyn's battle wounds
Look at that lip
Poor little girl! I am glad she is doing better and has such a sweet big brother. At least it wasn't in the middle of your fun valentine celebration!
sounds like you all had a fun weekend together until the accident. i'm glad she's going to be okay and be looking in the mail for a little prize for her. love yall!
OH NO...poor thing...that is so sad how swollen her lip is. I am sure she is healing fine now. Mederma for KIDS is a life saver for scars! Looks like your valentines day was so SWEET!
I hope Brooklyn is feel better now. No little princess should have to go through pain like that. It's sweet that Barrett wanted to make his sister feel better.
Bless her heart (and Mommy's, too)! What a tough little girl!
Poor Brooky! We said prayers for her during our home church Sunday night! I hope you are doing better with it, too! Love you guys. Give the kiddos hugs.
What a fun Valentine's Day. You are so great about planning fun activities to do with your kids! Sorry about Brooklyn....hope she is all better soon.
I LOVE the picture of Brooklyn stuffing that big marshmallow in her mouth! She knows how to eat that right! :)
Sounds like your family had a fun Valentines!
Bless Brooklyns littls heart! I hope she feels better.
I LOVE the picture of Brooklyn stuffing that big marshmallow in her mouth! She knows how to eat that right! :)
Sounds like your family had a fun Valentines!
Bless Brooklyns littls heart! I hope she feels better.
Poor little Brooklyn! I'm glad she's doing better, and that yall had such a fun Valentine's celebration!
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