2.What are their ages? Barrett-4 and Brooklyn-2
3.What time do you start your day?I like to get up around 7:15 and have some coffee and get on the computer before everyone wakes up around 8.
4.What do you eat for breakfast? Coffee is usually my breakfast, except on Saturdays. I often eat a snack around 10. My kids eat eggs, waffles, oatmeal, sausage biscuits or cereal.
5.Do your kids watch TV? Yes. They usually watch it eating breakfast and Barrett watches a show or two in the afternoon when Brooklyn naps.
6.What are their favorite activities? Brooklyn loves her dolls and coloring. Barrett likes to ride his bike and scooter and build all sorts of things. They both love to be outside playing on the playground or playing "sports". They love hanging out with each other.
7.Do you get a break during the day for some down time? Yes, the kids go to preschool 2 days a week, so I have some time to myself then. I also usually get to have time in the morning to myself. I also enjoy taking bubble baths and reading a book.
8. How do you end your day? Derek gives the kids baths and then reads stories to the kids before they go to bed. Then Derek and I usually hang out together.
9. What is your best parenting advice? Have a plan for how to deal with different scenarios, tell your kids you love them ALOT, and listen and enjoy the ride.
I tag- Kara, Anita and Raegan
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