We went to
Crowe's Nest Farm with several moms and kids from Care Group. The kids had a blast. We started out by eating lunch. Then we saw a cow get milked, then looked at some turtles, snakes, and spiders. Then we went on a hay ride and saw some ostriches. There were 2 babies that were about a month old. We then walked around and saw lots of animals. Brooklyn is really into animals and enjoyed seeing them and petting the ones she could. it was a fun time and the kids fell asleep on the way home.
Brooklyn looking at the chickens

Barrett and Blake by the turtles

Brooklyn and Tate on the hay ride

The Ostriches

B and B looking at the goats

On Friday afternoon, we headed to Round Rock to get Elizabeth. She stayed with us the weekend so Kara and Shane could get some rest and hang out with Peyton. Barrett and Elizabeth and Brooklyn had a great time playing together. We enjoyed getting to hang out with Elizabeth.
Barrett and Elizabeth getting ready for bed

I just wanted to add this picture of Brooklyn. She decided to drink the water off of the porch the other day. It was too cute!

That is hilarious... natural H20?
I haven't checked your blog in a while and scrolled down and read about the dewberries. We love dewberries and have found a hidden stash of them in our neighborhood. That must be a Houston thing, knowing about dewberries, because whenever I tell someone about them they look at me like I'm nuts and think I'm crazy for eating wild berries. B and B are precious. That cracks me up about Barrett being a lady's man. Can I put your link on my blog? I forget to check blogs unless they are linked.
So sweet! I love Brooklyn licking the ground. Or drinking water I mean.
I love the puddle-drinking. I can still picture the exact place on the back porch where we used to lick up the water!
And thank you SO much for taking Elizabeth for the weekend. You all are angels!! We had a great time and got a lot of rest and sleep. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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