Katie's wedding was at Farmers Branch Cof C . Barrett spotted Anthony walking in and got so excited. It was a beautiful church and the wedding was sweet. Kellee was in the wedding and luckily Barrett's mouth was full of food when she walked in. He started pointing at her all excited. Then shortly after, Derek and Barrett left the auditorium. It was hard for B to stay quiet. The reception was at the church and it was fun to see our friends and family. Barrett and Elizabeth liked being on the stage. They took turns singing. David Padgett was nice to watch them. Barrett and Elizabeth had so much fun together. They are 2 peas in a pod.

After the wedding we went to eat at Spring Creek Barbeque. All the kids loved being in the high chairs that rolled through the line. And the rolls were so good. Of course B and E had fun together after eating. They were running and dancing through the resturaunt.
B and E dancing and having a blast
Brooklyn loves her Nana
After our late lunch, we headed back to Austin. We got in just at bedtime. Then we had church and Sunday night we had a dinner at the McDonald's. It was fun to catch up with everyone and the kids always have a blast playing together.
On Monday, we had a ice relaxing day. We worked on organizing the garage some. After Brooklyn's nap, we went to the pool. We ran into Tate and David there, so that was fun. For dinner we went to the SaltLick with friends. It was relaxing and fun to hang out. We've got a system that works well for the girls- men and kids on one side and moms on the other. Barrett loved listening to the live music while we waited for our table. It was a great weekend and a wonderful way to kick off the summer.
What a fun weekend. I'm glad you posted so many pictures of all of you! David Padgett is good at watching kids at weddings. I have a picture of him holding Nathan at my wedding.
That is just what I was going to say about David. He is so sweet. He really did hang out with Nathan at Marcia's wedding. I also remember the first time he met Abby he just played and played with her. There's something about Daddies who have little girls.
What a fun weekend! I wish y'all would have stayed here Sat. I saw your mom and Kara at church that night. Elizabeth and Abby were in the same class. You're family is so beautiful and y'all are so brave for swimming. We haven't even touched the pool.
It was great seeing you all and I always love getting my sugar from the kiddos. Glad you enjoyed the rest of your weekend.
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