Brooklyn turned 15 months old yesterday. Its hard to believe. She is a little girl now, not a baby! Here are 15 things about Miss Brooklyn-
1. She is such a happy girl.
2. Some of her hair is long enough for me to put in a ponytail on the top of her head.
3. She has 7 teeth now!
4. She can say several words: daddy, mama, tee(see), ti(sit), ba(ball), go, wow, no, dog, baby, hi, bye, yes, cow, uh-oh, up, B(for Barrett), Tate, eat, chee(cheese), nose, thank you and me.
5. She loves to play with her dolls and hugs them and rocks them.
6. She is fairly independent and likes to figure things out on her own.
7. She loves to have Derek or I read books to her and loves to look at books on her own.
8. She likes to "wash" her hands.
9. She is a great eater. She'll eat almost anything and eats alot of it.
10. She likes to climb up the stairs all by herself.
11. She likes to do puzzles with Barrett. And really just be wherever Barrett is.
12. She loves Barrett and enjoys playing with him, most of the time.
13. She loves to be held and likes to cuddle.
14. She has the sweetest smile that warms my hear(and her daddy's too)
15. She likes to play outside.